Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Eighty Third Post

If David were British...

So now winter break is dead, which means more seeing people and more work. My aunt and uncle came to visit and celebrate Christmas with everyone (since only they are in Oregon and most everyone of my mother's side live here).I got a cool game for Christmas, which is sort of like Rome Total War and Starcraft combined. After Chritmas I went shooting, and I was pretty uber at it. Or I was fairly good. Or maybe only better than my brother. Definitely FAR better than my brother, who was slightly better than a terran marine. I wish I could take a picture... After I had finished my miniscule amount of homework only to be bombarded by having to study for the SAT, and that was the rest of my break.

I beat David at posting today :)!!!!!!!!!11111111111


Blogger David said...

NNOOOOOOOOOOOO. Also, I am part british, why do I need to be british?

3:04 PM  
Blogger blitzmoose said...

Sorry I forgot to make the If into a link. You should read this comment than the first word of the post again.

7:26 PM  
Blogger pronoob5 said...

dude terran marines have uber accuracy. they hardly ever miss!

9:47 AM  
Blogger David said...

speaking of beating me to posting, how about you put up a link to peoples' blogs?

2:52 PM  
Blogger zack0217 said...

dude. nobody deserves to be called british. not even david.

3:39 PM  
Blogger David said...

OLOLOLOLOL. That guy is sort of funny. I like the part with the guy pretending to drown in the pool and coming up with a camera.

7:08 PM  
Blogger PK Dave said...

Did you say Terran?

12:20 PM  
Blogger PK Dave said...

yeah and seriously put up some links. Why is the only one to Wilfred's blog which hasn't been updated in at least two years?

12:21 PM  

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