Saturday, June 10, 2006

Fifty-Eighth Post

(This can actually happen in the game)

So, Yesterday was Steven's poker party. There was no poker, but it was cool. We played ultimate frisbee, and Steven did something that David will never find out about.

Helm's Deep games are the bad, and we NEED to stop playing them. If you are Aragorn(probably spelled inccorrectly) then the game is even more boring and usually quick (since you die so fast) there are only a few ways to not die as Aragorn.

1. You can blend in with the other zealots and hope the orcs think you are a regular zealot.
2. You can also only fight when your special meter is at 100%, but that would just make the game boring.
3. You could do is run away from melee units so that you do not become surounded, but that means almost no kills.

A cool game I started playing is America's Army. It is VERY similar to counter strike. People on that game are really good, and it takes longer for me to kill someone on that game than it does on CS. The game is supposed to be a recruiting tool for the army, but the ironic thing about it is that terrorists usually win online. I will list some strategies and good rules to follow that I developed while playing for a short time.

1. Do not try to hide in dead bodies, the bodies are dead there for a reason.
2. If you are blinded and deaf from a flash bang grenade go prone, if you are lucky the enemy might think you are dead and walk pass you.
3. Use full auto, then burst, and if you have to use semi auto, I once thought that hitting people with semiauto would be better since it is accurate, but if you do that all you will do is damage health then get killed by full auto fire. If there is no full auto use burst. It is better than semi auto, but does not kill someone as quickly as full auto since it takes multiple shots.
4. Go for the headshot if you are not the terrorists, American weapons are so weak on that game that if one targets the body and the terrorist shoots at you as well, the terrorist will win, but if the American goes for the head with the uber accurate weapon, then the American will probaably win.
5. Don't go into a field or a large place with no cover, all you will do is make a sniper laugh at you.


Blogger David said...

Do I care what Steven does without me? Also, Aragorn is spelled right, but zealot isn't.

9:38 PM  

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