Monday, February 05, 2007

Eighty Fifth Post

(flag of Taiwan and Nationalist China)
Defeated nonexistant country of the day(or so): Nationalist China (still technically exists as Taiwan, but the government has completely changed, the vast majority of its land was taken during the communist revolution in China, and the current mainland Chinese government has claimed the country)

Word of the day(or so): Macrophage

Nothining too much has happened so far. I became sick on last Friday, which are killing my spelling and grammer sort of. Also, the cold is making it so my lungs and nose are fille with a viscous liquid, but that is sort of normal. Right?

Another thing was when I celebrated Amanuel's birthday. Ahmad and I were the only ones there since Amanuel's mother did not want very many people coming over. So I was there, and Ahmad forgot, so we spent the first two hours watching mainstream American television (that Amanuel bought DVD's of(why do that?)). Also, there was some playing of Pheonix Wright, and Amanuel and I ate ALL the good pizza(non-vegetable), which forced Ahmad to eat plants when he arrived(we reminded him by using telephones).

When Ahmad arrived, I played the Wii for the first time in my life. I made a Mii, which looked ALMOST EXACTLY like me. creepy... Then I played Amanuel at Wii sports, which he won since it was the first time playing for me, and not him. Later, I played Twighlight Princess, which I was WAY better at than Amanuel(he almost died trying to throw a bomb into an immobile plant's mouth). After that, my father got angry at me staying for too long.

The present I bought was Castlevania. On the way to the game store, my father and I had an arguement over foot binding(with him supporting the practice). I wrapped Castlevania in my Luigi's mansion box, and when Amanuel opened it he was said in a dissapointed voice "Oh... you... bought me.... Luigi's Mansion."


Blogger zack0217 said...

hahah luigi's mansion. i would have felt really bad for ammanuel if you had actually gotten him luigi's mansion.

8:30 AM  
Blogger pronoob5 said...

as always your rare posts are entertaining. saturday will be fun, hopefully we can mix some frisbee in there some time.

11:18 PM  

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