Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hundred and Ninth Post

Alright, so here is another post. So, I am becoming alright at pool since I have to spend the whole day at the UW and there is nothing else to do, so if anyone wants to play me (except Davis or Orion due to proximity) then expect frustration and not playing very often (both due to me knocking balls into holes consecutively).

So, I think I have just described my past and future weeks to you in the last few sentences. I had my first chem lab Friday. I managed to break a crucible into pieces within the first 20 seconds of lab x_X For some reason I didn't have to pay for it... lucky. I also saved my lab partner who had knocked over the bunsen burner engulfing her, her lab manual, and her lab notebook in crimson flames. As my lab partner stood in the flame petrified (like a dumb duck), I picked up the bunsen burner and set it upright again and proceeded to laugh at her for being clumsy. The corner of the two paper materials and a portion of her lab coat are slightly singed now. It sort of looks cooler now. Maybe i'll do that to my lab manual next lab...

Not much is happening since all of my free time is spent at school >_< I'll probably start posting plots for videos I must make, short stories, pictures, or something else, because there is seriously nothing to post about now...

Friday, October 09, 2009

Hundred and Eighth Post


Now that that was said here is what I have been up to lately. Pretty much school is from 9:30 to 6:30 every day with a 5 hour gap between from 12:30 to 5:30 good fun. That's mostly what I do now, and i will probably be decent at pool and badminton and lifting weights by the end of the quarter.

Another thing, My bed broke so I have to sleep on the ground. Since this is so I have been using this as an opportunity to physically and mentally train myself to withstand anything. I expect to be impervious to changes of temperature, being poked, and radiation. so far the results are that I am always tired and sort of sore everywhere.

Okay I am retelling this story, but here it goes anyways. So there was this guy at a urinal and his hands were on his hips and it was really weird because no one does that ever(in case a female is reading this (which I am fairly certain does not happen)). So the first thing that comes to my mind is THAT GUY LOOKS LIKE STARMAN (from earthbound) and I walk out of the bathroom without having done anything in it.

Maybe I'll try to post weekly storylines, anecdotes, or guides to math Steven and his efforts, but there a post after nearly a year of of not.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Hundred and Seventh Post

Ok, so posting, Pretty much school has been going as it always has. Nothing too unusual except for seeing awake Alex a few times, which never happens ever usually. I will be taking micro economics, physics, and math next quarter.

Thanksgiving was mostly spent catching every Pokemon possible. I now have every non-swarm, non dongle, non- Pearl, and non-great marsh Pokemon. This will be improved upon though...

Death ray progress has been set back to zero. The laser gun would have consisted of capacitors in series, the transformer, a military surplus laser targetting system and a switch to fire the thing. The laser would have had enough power to destroy things like soda cans and street signs. Pretty much the only thing that had to be built was the transformer. So after hours of coiling wire (2500 coils) the transformer was finished and tested. We hooked up the transformer to a volmeter and a device that would let us slower feed the thing more power. at about 40 percent the transformer made a humming noise, which slowly grew louder as the power was increased. At about 75 percent there was a loud snapping noise, the voltmeter beeped in agony as it was destroyed and the humming stopped. The transformer was exploded into not working.

Not too much to post about. On the 13th I will be traveling to Singapore and will be back on the 21st. Hopefully that will give me something to write about. I'll create a DnD character and post what it is and stats and stuff once finished. I think it would be awesome if everyone else did the same. pretty much combat strategy consists of flanking and forcing attacks of opportunities upon opponents.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Hundred and Sixth Post

Alright so work has ended and school started and it is pretty cool. I usually spend the day with a group of people from Shorewood consisting of Ahmad, Tom, Ben, Albert, Jennifer, Oliver(who we decided looks like a spider), Ashley, sometimes Steven when Ashley forces him to come, and rarely Alex(who is now mostly nocturnal like a spider)(names in order of how often they show up except for Ahmad who I put first(yes, I see Steven more than Alex who is usually asleep)).

So during classes I usually spend them reading dinosaur comics (from here), playing FF7 on the computer(and not a Sony product) and doing homework. I rarely have to do hw at home and am taking physics, math, and computer programming. Then when midterms come... I do pretty well, which I don't find in the least bit surprising.

Free time is now spent playing badmitten with the group I mentioned, trying to catch all the Pokemon, talking to random people, or going on walks and to bookstores with my parents, which takes a considerable amount of time. I think I am going to do something about the last two activities.

Halloween was Trick or Treating with a group of people I did not know too well. My costume was an old fashion dress shirt, whool pants, boots, gloves, a tie, and a hacksaw. I might(won't) take a picture of it later. I got candy and stuff, then went to Ben's house and played SC and Smash Bros and ate too much candy and again next morning.

OK, post was too long a while ago, was going to write more, but maybe some other time. Last thing though is alignment! I am lawful neutral. You should see what you are by going here, and keep working on your uber DMing skills if you are reading this Davis.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Hundred and Fifth Post

Visual representation of PAX(coming in a few days or never probably). No actually representation due to a lack of camera.

Ok, so David has not posted about PAX yet, which is really weird, so I will try to fill the PAXless void. Here goes...

Day 1

So we arrived and those who did not preorder were awesome and did not have to wait in a very long line until everyone had to wait in a very long line. The line was insane, but some of the more quick minded of us brought DS's and I brought a computer. The line smelled of people who never go outside or take showers(people who play video games I guess). The line led to where we were standing before joining the line x_X After the line we went to a lot of booths and got free stuff. We did some PC and consol freeplay and got tired or something and left. Also David and Steven made Davis hate COD4.

Day 2

day 2 was more free stuff and more consol and PC freeplay. I cut in the line where there were no enforcers because I am that hardcore. I think everyone else did because they followed shortly after. We got in some console freeplay and I think the reason why I suck at CS:S is lag since I did reasonably well at PAX. I think we played against Saitoh who got 3rd place and Timmy. We lost chris this day for a while and then he came back. We also played COD2, which Davis found most exciting. We went back early swearing on hour honor to come on time the next day.

Day 3

This was the day of the SC tourney. The first round was won through sheer pwnage for me. I made my enemy unable to expand and matrix dropshipped into his base. The defeated enemy decided to counter my goliaths with battle cruisers. The second round I was rushed with zealots because I was early factorying and we will leave it at that. David got 5th place losing in the worse possible way(to our arch nemesis and being one place away from getting a prize). Later when we tried to return the enforcer blocked the choke, so we had to go around to the back and drop to see the finals. David was avenged by Ben who got 1st place along with 250 points and probably StarCraft 2, which he will allow me to make copies of. right? After this Ben spent his points on useless games since there was nothing left and we got a lot of free things again. David, Davis, Ben and I and maybe some others got to play some Starcraft 2. It actually looked pretty good and the 9 pool does not work anymore. Chris disappeared for a while that day and Eric got screwed over over 9000 times. Some Japanese people saw Davis dressed as Link, but I will let Davis post about that. Davis this is a hint that you should post about it. Or just post.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hundred and Fourth Post

So, so far I have been scanning envelopes for like eight hours straight.

Here goes a short annecdote...
I was opening and scanning envelopes when I saw one that was sent a little before Christmas. On it was written "Happy Holidays" from the postal service. I opened the envelope and within resided a notice of foreclosure(a document that means your house has been taken away and your life is screwed).
that wa pretty much the coolest part of today. Other than that I am exited(like an exit) for PAX. Something you should post though is whether you want to help create the script and act in To Kill a Mockingbird 2: Revenge of the Mockingbird. This is probably a bad way to ask as only David reads this, but I am too busy(lazy) to do this any other way.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hudred and third Post

To Kill a mockingbird 2: Revenge of the Mockingbird

Calpurnia dies
-gives Scout a bell as a final gift and tells her to keep it safe
-Jem gets a dog from Calpurnia and Scout wishes she got the dog instead

Scout meets Dill again
-does not remember Dill
-gets into a bet and loses the bell to Dill (Dill is tricked into taking the bell as a mystery prize instead of $5)

Dill gets his bike stolen
-The thief is unknown

Jem's dog gets sick and Atticus shoots it
-Jem is sad and asks why it had to happen to him
-Atticus starts talking about all the literary techniques behind why the dog is sick and killed

Tirone Robinson (brother of Tom Robinson) is accused of stealing Dill's bike
-Atticus talks to the sherriff about representing Tirone
-Dill says that he hates Scout and Jem and will never forgive them for helping Tirone

-Atticus proves Tirone innocent
-insert character here to be guilty (maybe that lady who had her house burn down from the last book? still need to figure this one out)

After trial
-Dill appologizes to Scout and Jem
-Dill disappears again

Scout and Dill go to school
-learn about evolution
-learn about the civil war
-school ends for the school year and summer break comes

Final confrontation
-Tirone really stole the bike
-The bike is returned but without the bell because they really wanted the bell
-the bell was really the ancient African treasure the bell of the mockingbird with several powers
-Bob Ewell was really a mockingbird the whole time and is still alive because no one can kill a mockingbird
-Ewell explains his plan and talks about what he will do with his fully restored mockingbird powers (still need to figure this one out...)
-The mockinbird starts opening a portal to Valhalla where he will unleash his army into the mortal world and bring about a thousand year rule of (insert adjective here)
-Boo Radley is vanquished when trying to save Scout and Jem this time and is condemned because it is a sin to kill a mockingbird
-Some cool monologue by the mockingbird and stuff maybe if I can think of something
-Dill comes back(since it is summer and he always comes back on summer) and says not so fast and strikes down the mockingbird, the portal closes and the day is saved