Monday, August 18, 2008

Hundred and Second Post


(I was too lazy to get a pic when I was home, so you get this google image search of a manly unicorn and now blosgpot is messing up my format so pleas ignore the large amounts of "!" I am using to fix the problem)

OK! Posting! first time in a while so a lot of things happened, but I will only go over a few.
We played poker at Steven's house. I was retarded and lost. Sort of deserve it for thinking that Eric was telling the truth somehow when he said he had a bad hand and going all in >_<>

Was trying to get everyone together to do awesome things last weekend. Most people said they could do stuff, but then my parents wanted to do gay things like go to parks and wlak with them and visit over 9000 bookstores on the same day. They keep doing that sort of stuff. I need to do something about it. Can people do things this weekend? Maybe Pineapple Express or frisbee?

Work is sort of becoming more repetative. I sit in front of a comp and file stuff for 10 hours straight a day. I get weekends and Thursdays off though. Though I am usually still busy Thursdays. I have started to drink vast quantities of coffee to offset the lack of sleep from wanting freetime when I get home. I drink the stuff without sugar or cream/milk Ottoman style! It tastes like bad, but this is the only way to drink the stuff since the Ottomans are the coolest country in AOE III ^_^

I like this guy's URL. Too bad he is suk and probably a pedophile(his name is pizzaz, what a pedo name it is).

I will add a pic when I get home. I am at work right now.


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