Friday, January 06, 2006

Seventeenth Post

Waste your life and read what I say when I am tired! Not as long as David's, but still sort of long.

bananaoracle89: are you playing?
Blitzmoose9: no
Blitzmoose9: i have 2 go 2 bed
Blitzmoose9: goodnight
bananaoracle89: ah good for you
bananaoracle89: I suppose
bananaoracle89: good night
Blitzmoose9: lol
Blitzmoose9: arg
Blitzmoose9: 8:30!
Blitzmoose9: arg!
Blitzmoose9: i will be staring at the ceiling for like 4 hours!
Blitzmoose9: again!
bananaoracle89: then don't go
Blitzmoose9: i have to though
Blitzmoose9: garg!
Blitzmoose9: otherwise i must work on the DNA model and that will be undesireable
bananaoracle89: hm
bananaoracle89: indeed
Blitzmoose9: yep
Blitzmoose9: you have to do one?
bananaoracle89: I did it today
bananaoracle89: all in class
bananaoracle89: hehe
Blitzmoose9: grr
Blitzmoose9: one day you will regret this or something
Blitzmoose9: i need to update blog
Blitzmoose9: what to write
Blitzmoose9: arg
Blitzmoose9: joumonville is going to 2.5
bananaoracle89: indeed
Blitzmoose9: math for people that do not know math
Blitzmoose9: how can people be THAT stupid!
bananaoracle89: I know not
bananaoracle89: I truly do not know
Blitzmoose9: we must get rid of them
Blitzmoose9: or better yet make them our slaves
Blitzmoose9: yes
Blitzmoose9: and farm us food
Blitzmoose9: i would have so much wheat that i could make a tank
Blitzmoose9: i meant minerals and gas
bananaoracle89: mm
Blitzmoose9: i would have 3 seige tanks after a few minutes
Blitzmoose9: and they would be SCV's
Blitzmoose9: i would be a battlecruiser probably
Blitzmoose9: it would be like "bang bang" and the zerglings would die
Blitzmoose9: but alas i can not play starcraft for my parents want me to do the DNA model
bananaoracle89: no it would be like
bananaoracle89: "kaPew... kaPew"
Blitzmoose9: ya that is true
bananaoracle89: "Battlecruiser operational
bananaoracle89: "
Blitzmoose9: indeed
bananaoracle89: "Let's make it happen"
bananaoracle89: "Take it slow."
bananaoracle89: "Shields up, weapons online."
Blitzmoose9: we are way behind schedual
bananaoracle89: "Good day, commander"
bananaoracle89: "I have to go...number 1"
Blitzmoose9: number 1...
Blitzmoose9: he means the commander
Blitzmoose9: right?
bananaoracle89: I'm not sure
bananaoracle89: I rather thought that he meant he has to urinate
Blitzmoose9: ah
Blitzmoose9: we should mail starcraft about that
Blitzmoose9: or something
bananaoracle89: indeed
bananaoracle89: and ask the question that has plagued us for all time
bananaoracle89: hey accept this file
Blitzmoose9: ok
bananaoracle89 wants to send file C:\Documents and Settings\abc\My Documents\download\blitzmoose9\Link meets the Prince of Darkness.JPG.
Blitzmoose9: ok
Blitzmoose9: it is coming
Blitzmoose9 received C:\Documents and Settings\abc\My Documents\download\blitzmoose9\Link meets the Prince of Darkness.JPG.
Blitzmoose9: almost... done
bananaoracle89: what do you think?
Blitzmoose9: i need to see it before i may form an opinion
bananaoracle89: indeed that is true
Blitzmoose9: did you draw it?
bananaoracle89: yes
Blitzmoose9: that is cool
Blitzmoose9: it makes me feel a great deal of joy
bananaoracle89: It needs to be changed though
bananaoracle89: I'm not sure if I should move the horns
Blitzmoose9: how?
Blitzmoose9: the horns...
bananaoracle89: because they're supposed to be coming out of his snout
bananaoracle89: also some other minor things
bananaoracle89: like erasing the chain mail
bananaoracle89: it's dumb
bananaoracle89: why would Ganon wear chain mail?
Blitzmoose9: ya
Blitzmoose9: that is true
Blitzmoose9: the horns should probably be removed
Blitzmoose9: to make the rest of him porportionate
bananaoracle89: proportionate? how so?
Blitzmoose9: and he should be coming out of a pit of fire or something so that it makes sense without the bottom parts suh as the legs
Blitzmoose9: makes his head look too long
Blitzmoose9: the horns do
Blitzmoose9: and he should only have the triforce pieces of wisdom and power
Blitzmoose9: link still has the courage one
Blitzmoose9: gannon has all of them on his arm though
Blitzmoose9: keep link the way he is though
Blitzmoose9: maybe make his sword a bit longer
Blitzmoose9: but it is a good size
Blitzmoose9: hello?
bananaoracle89: GANNON-BANNED!
Blitzmoose9: ?
bananaoracle89: I am sorry, Sai, but you have been Gannon-banned
Blitzmoose9: what?
Blitzmoose9: wtr?
bananaoracle89: Blitzmoose9 (8:57:08 PM): gannon has all of them on his arm though
Blitzmoose9: f
Blitzmoose9: ah
Blitzmoose9: ic
bananaoracle89: Ganon has only one 'n'
Blitzmoose9: i am sorry
bananaoracle89: there is a funny website about gannon-banning
Blitzmoose9: 'n'
Blitzmoose9: 'n'
Blitzmoose9: 'n'
Blitzmoose9: n'n
Blitzmoose9: 'n'
Blitzmoose9: na noooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
bananaoracle89: if my internet starts to work again I will give you a link
Blitzmoose9: ok
Blitzmoose9: sounds good
bananaoracle89: basically, whenever you get something wrong about the Legend of Zelda, you get Gannon-banned
bananaoracle89: also
bananaoracle89: not to be nitpicky
bananaoracle89: but Link doesn't necessarily have the Triforce of COurage
Blitzmoose9: ya
Blitzmoose9: true
Blitzmoose9: 64
Blitzmoose9: he does
bananaoracle89: and the whole quest was to get the pieces of the Triforce of Wisdom because Zelda shattered them
Blitzmoose9: i was thinking of that one
Blitzmoose9: ya
bananaoracle89: no this is from the Legend of Zelda
Blitzmoose9: ah
bananaoracle89: this picture is based off of it
Blitzmoose9: it all makes sense now!
Blitzmoose9: ok
bananaoracle89: that is why some things are strange looking
Blitzmoose9: i see it all
Blitzmoose9: ya
bananaoracle89: indeed you understand
Blitzmoose9: the shortish sword
bananaoracle89: yes! I am glad you understand
Blitzmoose9: it is from the first!
bananaoracle89: and that Triforce on his arm is just a tattoo, by the way
Blitzmoose9: i have that one
Blitzmoose9: it is the best!
bananaoracle89: perhaps
Blitzmoose9: ya
Blitzmoose9: gannon
bananaoracle89: !!!!
Blitzmoose9: lol
bananaoracle89: I hope you are referring to the screen from the Legend of Zelda
Blitzmoose9: gannon-banned!
Blitzmoose9: yep i am
Blitzmoose9: i use that spelling for him
Blitzmoose9: since i use the first zelda the most
bananaoracle89: oh
bananaoracle89: well...I suppose you can get away with that
Blitzmoose9: for 2 what do you make plural?
Blitzmoose9: wait ic
Blitzmoose9: why would someone say the adventures of link
Blitzmoose9: unless they were reffering to all of the games or something
bananaoracle89: because PEOPLE ARE IDIOTS
bananaoracle89: *eyes get really wide*
Blitzmoose9: wa ha ha
Blitzmoose9: that is a good site
Blitzmoose9: lol
bananaoracle89: yes
Blitzmoose9: people ARE idiots!
bananaoracle89: sometime we must discuss the chronological order of the games
Blitzmoose9: yes
Blitzmoose9: i like how people call majora's mask zelda 2
bananaoracle89: but I must work on my history day
bananaoracle89: yes
Blitzmoose9: ok
Blitzmoose9: and i must sleep
bananaoracle89: but I see it as #2 in chronological order
Blitzmoose9: anti-shalom (goodbye) and goodnight
bananaoracle89: indeed goddnight
bananaoracle89: oops
bananaoracle89: you know what I mean


Blogger David said...

ok im sorry i posted that conversation with keir.

4:44 PM  

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