Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Sixteenth Post

(note the non-traditional placing of the picture)

Here is a poll I am doing:

would you:

A. Pwn Amanuel with Zerg and if so how?
B. Pwn Amanuel with Protoss and if so how?
C. Pwn Amanuel with Terran and if so how?
D. Pwn Amanuel with Random and if so how?
E. Lose to Amanuel because you are pathetic and do not deserve the air you breathe.

(this is Amanuel)

Answer now!

BTW yesterday Taylor Hartman made a poll that went like this:

would you like to:

A. Recieve a picture of Taylor Hartman for 50 cents?
B. Or recieve a kiss from Taylor Hartman?

I promptly answered:

I want the 50 cents.

Also today is Louis Braille's (the guy who made the Braille language. I found out using a google search and it said that) birthday


Blogger PK Dave said...

c. I will PWN Ammanuel with Terran.

First I will build up 12 Marines and 4 Medics, while getting enough gas to build an early factory. At this point, Stim Packs and U-238 Shells will have been researched. I will attack with my Stimmed Marines while building a Tank and researching Siege Mode. If my Marines cannot win, I will wait for my single tank and then use it to snipe Ammanuel's defensive structures, of which there will surely be not very many. Once defenses have been disabled, upgraded and stimmed Marines will move in to take apart the enemy base piece by piece.

Note: This would be most fun it Ammanuel was Zerg, as watching Marines pop Hydralisks like wet paper bags never gets boring.

6:05 PM  
Blogger David said...

I would pwn him with random cuz Im the phankling. I would do more than "pown." I WOULD "PWN"

7:53 PM  
Blogger pronoob5 said...

i would do F. Prepare to pwn amanual and then backstab all u fools for being dumb and talking this much about pwning ammanuel.

3:02 PM  
Blogger blitzmoose said...

There is no F the closest thing to it is E. You must mean E then.

8:20 PM  

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