Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Fortieth Post

Now they have a handicap button so that people that are disabled somehow (blind, deaf, something else? I don't know.) can comment. What the button does is tell people numbers to type in. This way people do not have to read the word verification. I don't know how this will help though though. If you can not read the word verification, which is about twice as large as regular text, how will you read a post? It does not make sense! If you have an answer then please tell me, for I wish to know. Could the Bonnerthink gene have spread to staff in Blogspot?


Blogger David said...

Nice picture. I think the owner of blogger just was pressured to do something to show upkeep and he just did this to make himself look busy.

09924 was my retarded word verification.

6:05 PM  
Blogger zack0217 said...

Sai - you suck. ass

8:08 AM  

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