Saturday, October 28, 2006

Eightieth Post

This thing is funny. Thomas showed it to me. There are thirteen of them. Here is a conversation between Keir and I on the thing.

(7:12:04 PM) Blitzmoose9: here watch this...
(7:12:05 PM) Blitzmoose9:
(7:12:07 PM) brittlebrit187: ok
(7:12:47 PM) brittlebrit187: wtf
(7:12:54 PM) Blitzmoose9: its funny
(7:12:59 PM) Blitzmoose9: just watch the whole thing
(7:13:02 PM) Blitzmoose9: its only 5 mins
(7:13:07 PM) brittlebrit187: ok
(7:13:17 PM) brittlebrit187: this is dubed?
(7:13:21 PM) Blitzmoose9: ya
(7:13:36 PM) Blitzmoose9: i think it is
(7:13:38 PM) brittlebrit187: lol
(7:14:12 PM) brittlebrit187: that kaba kid needs to get laid!
(7:14:19 PM) Blitzmoose9: lol ya
(7:14:24 PM) brittlebrit187: wait who is this
(7:14:26 PM) brittlebrit187: AHAHHAHAAHAHA
(7:14:28 PM) Blitzmoose9: one of my favorite parts
(7:14:53 PM) brittlebrit187: AHAHAHA
(7:16:08 PM) brittlebrit187: EXCEPT MAYBE THE KAREBO
(7:16:43 PM) brittlebrit187: best thing ever
(7:16:45 PM) Blitzmoose9: ya, supposedly that card suks
(7:16:52 PM) Blitzmoose9: there are 13 of them
(7:16:54 PM) brittlebrit187: are there more?
(7:16:55 PM) brittlebrit187: OMG
(7:16:56 PM) brittlebrit187: OMG
(7:16:58 PM) brittlebrit187: OMGGGGG
(7:16:59 PM) Blitzmoose9: ya
(7:17:01 PM) brittlebrit187: AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA
(7:17:13 PM) Blitzmoose9: so it is funny for 3 people, it is confirmed
(7:17:16 PM) brittlebrit187: oima watch this again and then all the others
(7:17:18 PM) Blitzmoose9: it goes on my blog

here is the rest of my conversation with Keir

(7:17:24 PM) Blitzmoose9: lol good
(7:17:44 PM) brittlebrit187: i cant belive i watched this show once or twice
(7:17:49 PM) brittlebrit187: i saw the first episode actually
(7:17:55 PM) Blitzmoose9: OMG
(7:18:03 PM) Blitzmoose9: you are really weird
(7:18:10 PM) brittlebrit187: liar
(7:18:27 PM) Blitzmoose9: wait
(7:18:32 PM) Blitzmoose9: the real show or this one?
(7:18:45 PM) brittlebrit187: real show
(7:18:49 PM) Blitzmoose9: ah
(7:18:54 PM) Blitzmoose9: is it really like this?
(7:19:05 PM) brittlebrit187: no
(7:19:37 PM) Blitzmoose9: ah
(7:19:38 PM) brittlebrit187: get it on dvd
(7:19:45 PM) Blitzmoose9: yugio on dvd?
(7:19:50 PM) brittlebrit187: sure?
(7:19:56 PM) Blitzmoose9: why would i pay money for it though?
(7:20:01 PM) brittlebrit187: i dunno
(7:20:03 PM) brittlebrit187: ur dumb?
(7:20:15 PM) Blitzmoose9: ah kk that makes sense now
(7:20:23 PM) Blitzmoose9: in a sophisticated sort of way
(7:20:38 PM) brittlebrit187: indeed
(7:21:44 PM) brittlebrit187: OMG
(7:21:55 PM) brittlebrit187: ive seen episde 2 aswell!
(7:21:59 PM) brittlebrit187: the regular one!
(7:22:31 PM) brittlebrit187: LMAO
(7:22:39 PM) brittlebrit187: comic relife villans
(7:22:46 PM) Blitzmoose9: lol
(7:23:00 PM) Blitzmoose9: it must be much funnier for you since you have seen the show
(7:23:12 PM) brittlebrit187: yes
(7:23:15 PM) brittlebrit187: its f*ckign (s3nxorred f0r my bl0gxorzz) insane
(7:25:11 PM) Blitzmoose9: ah well have fun with the rest of them
(7:25:17 PM) Blitzmoose9: i have to do hw :'(
(7:25:43 PM) brittlebrit187: bye
(7:25:56 PM) Blitzmoose9: goodbye
(7:26:02 PM) Blitzmoose9: and have a safe halloween

here is a later conversation with Davis

(8:07:33 PM) bananaoracle89: ahh
(8:07:35 PM) bananaoracle89: hilarious
(8:07:39 PM) Blitzmoose9: indeed
(8:07:42 PM) Blitzmoose9: there are thirteen of them
(8:07:45 PM) bananaoracle89: even more so because I watched that show for 2 years
(8:07:50 PM) Blitzmoose9: omg you too?
(8:07:55 PM) bananaoracle89: yeah
(8:08:03 PM) Blitzmoose9: i mean too because keir did
(8:08:05 PM) Blitzmoose9: not me
(8:09:51 PM) bananaoracle89: oh

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Seventy Ninth Post

So I just looked at what I had to do for the lab report. I thought to myself wow this is a waste of time. Then I started thinking that this might just be extra points for free. Basically what it is is a copy of what we wrote in our notebooks. So are we getting free points for copying stuff, or are we just wasting a bunch of time on a repetative task? Decide and comment up your thoughts.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Seventy Eighth Post

Does anyone like the game King of Buttons? If so then you should like this game more or too. It is called don't shoot the puppy. The first few levels are really boring since it teaches you how to play, but later levels are quite tricky. After learning to play I got to level 11 the without killing the thing, but then I killed it accidentally. See if you can get further on your first try. The way you play is to click start then not to move the mouse until the level is complete.

The game is here

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Seventy Seventh Post

Ok here it is. I forgot about it for a while so now I will make it. If you want me to add a name then post a comment and under the comment post the names I should add.

Amanuel: Amanuel gets Ethiopia because he is Amanuel.

Ben: Ben gets Korea because Koreans have micro.

David: David gets Holand, France, Spain, and maybe Belgium because he needs extra bases for all the resources needed to photon then carrier.

Davis: Davis gets Sweden (they eat heavily salted dried fish and heavily salted black liquorice) because it is weird like him(he eats plants. Yuck!).

Eric (Asian): Eric gets Iraq because it is a good place to learn what attack run and micro is.

Jack (white): Jack gets Canada because he is the only one that can even come close to fixing it.

Keir: Keir gets Ireland because they hate the British and he needs to practice being a counter terrorist (playing cs).

Orion: Orion gets Japan because they give a lot of homework and he likes homework.

Sai: I get China because I am "stealthy like a panda." (real Keir quote)

Steven: Steven gets monaco(consists of a grain field, a soccer field, and a coffee shop) because it is small like him.

Zack: Zack gets Africa because it is th closest thing to being as bad as myspace.