Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Hundred and Sixth Post

Alright so work has ended and school started and it is pretty cool. I usually spend the day with a group of people from Shorewood consisting of Ahmad, Tom, Ben, Albert, Jennifer, Oliver(who we decided looks like a spider), Ashley, sometimes Steven when Ashley forces him to come, and rarely Alex(who is now mostly nocturnal like a spider)(names in order of how often they show up except for Ahmad who I put first(yes, I see Steven more than Alex who is usually asleep)).

So during classes I usually spend them reading dinosaur comics (from here), playing FF7 on the computer(and not a Sony product) and doing homework. I rarely have to do hw at home and am taking physics, math, and computer programming. Then when midterms come... I do pretty well, which I don't find in the least bit surprising.

Free time is now spent playing badmitten with the group I mentioned, trying to catch all the Pokemon, talking to random people, or going on walks and to bookstores with my parents, which takes a considerable amount of time. I think I am going to do something about the last two activities.

Halloween was Trick or Treating with a group of people I did not know too well. My costume was an old fashion dress shirt, whool pants, boots, gloves, a tie, and a hacksaw. I might(won't) take a picture of it later. I got candy and stuff, then went to Ben's house and played SC and Smash Bros and ate too much candy and again next morning.

OK, post was too long a while ago, was going to write more, but maybe some other time. Last thing though is alignment! I am lawful neutral. You should see what you are by going here, and keep working on your uber DMing skills if you are reading this Davis.