Monday, May 08, 2006

Forty-Thrird Post

(imagine a picture of Mrs. Bonner looking confused with a question mark above her head here since there is no picture on her site and I don't have a digital camera)

Intercom: So tommorrow there will be a walkout to protest the firing of Mr. Stuart.
Mrs. Bonner: There is going to be a walkout? Have you heard about this?
All Students: Yes!
Mrs Bonner: Why have I not heard about this?

Answer: Because you are clueless Mrs. Bonner.

If you have some other reasons why Mrs. Bonner has not heard of the walkout then tell us.

Here is a story

So when I went to my grandfather's house we made cookies using Splenda: No Calorie Sugar (TM). We did this because we always make cookies, but my grandparents are now borderline diabetics so we have to use this fake sugar. The cookies turned out wierd and bad, so I was the only one that ate all of them. Later on though my stomach started to hurt really bad and I thought that I was going to puke for a long time. The moral of the story: fake sugar not only tastes bad, but is bad for you. It may even kill you if you are not a god or have the triforce.


Blogger zack0217 said...

You spelled diabetes wrong. I'm sorry to be a dick, but it's not hard to use spellcheck.

5:17 PM  
Blogger zack0217 said...


5:18 PM  
Blogger David said...

Well in the context he used it, he means to say they are bordeline diabetics. No, diabetes could work I fathom.

5:50 PM  

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