Saturday, February 18, 2006

Twenty-Eighth Post

(Our Lord and Savior, Peter Kim)

So, we just had a BSU (Black Student Union) assembly today. This year they learned not to be racist against white people, which is good. They did not show both sides of affirmative action which is both good and bad since a heated debate did not occur, but it was slightly biased. I was offended when some guy said that no one listens to classical music because it sucks though. It made me feel very bad inside...

Also, David, Steven, Orion, and Maddy (and possibly others that I do not know about) have gone to Hawaii. This means that Keir and I will have to rely on Peter to make games since Davis has basically quit playing StarCraft. Believe in our Lord and Savior Peter Kim and you too, Keir, will be saved.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Twenty-Seventh Post

Did you WATCH your FAVORITE TEACHERS being BANGED by BALLS? (dodgeball tournament occured (I am not gay))

Anyways... Hydrogen Peroxide is the worst tasting crap ever! I do not know how 2 hydrogens and 2 oxygens can taste so bad. Never put it in your mouth! EVER! You may be wandering why I put such a foul hydrogen and oxygen structure in my mouth. Well, it was to clean my mouth...

Also, Amanuel is trying to become an uber-haxxorz. He has a good reason to (hacking his sister's evil myspace) and we should wish him the best of luck... until he turns on us. We must unite to destroy him first.

Guitar Playing Report: I can almost sort of play the Age of Empires theme song.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Twenty-Fifth Post

Happy Suicide Prevention Week(SPW or SPEW)! I saved Davis Hill's life and Eric Molvic's life so far. Today in school we learned that the Dutch did nothing. They did not go about conquering African or American territory or even establishing trade (which even the weak and pathetic Portugal could do). The Ottomans P!WNED the Portuguese too. We learned all of this in Bonner's class, but I learned all of this before from Age of Empires II, which we should have played instead. What we should do is replace the medieval part of social studies with playing Age of Empires II because it is historical and fun. Arg! I went off track!

What I want to say is make sure you do not give Davis and Eric Molvic sharp objects, and let them know you care. If they put a pencil too close to their neck then stop them using force if you have to. Then get a trusted adult (Mr. Witt is a good choice for matters such as suicide) so that they may recieve the required therapy, and remember 1 day = 1 week and 2+2=5.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Twenty-Fourth Post

We had a WIND STORM! Probably far stronger than any Keir has faced. The power to all the places we were going to was out, and we had to drive an hour or more before we found an open restaurant. I do not know why we did not eat at home since our power was on though.

On our way to the first restaurant there were many city light trucks working and one started to back up and hit a car behind it. We saw it happen, but the city light trucks did not, and the guy in the truck said he was hit, but the city light truck (CLT) drivers said that he was not hit. We gave the guy that was hit (Bruce) our phone number. I predict that there will be a court battle, and we will have to waste our time as witnesses.

Also, the Seahawks P!WNED in the Super Bowl by the refferees.