Saturday, March 01, 2008

Ninety third Post

(pic related to my laptop and nothing else involving me)

So, a few things happened since last post, but I can't remember them so I will
post whatever is left.

Start off with the most critical, and the reason why I am currently posting. My computer's hard drive sploded so now I have a lot of free time and can post. No entertainment though... It was a good thing I listened to those video announcements and backed up my hard drive... Was a joke, that never happened, so now I don't have anything left anymore... I would take a screenshot of what happens because it is sort of cool, but I can't screenshot the thing since it is the very dead. Makes clicking noises when on, a bad sign meaning the HD must be replaced. I think I won't get it fixed though because now I have WAY more time.

Some other things that happened was that I got a PS2 officially making me BA. Or maybe just A. I don't have any games for it, but I will soon. Or I will sell the thing maybe. Need to find good games and should not sell according to people, but perhaps they are noobs (as those who say it's good do not play SC). I also got a Dreamcast. I should talk to Wilfred and Joey about it. Too bad Wilfred's blog is gone or I could tell him. Need to do something about the link. Need to play that new Legend of Zelda game...

Another thing that happened was that we saw car crash. some lady backed up into a parked car because they were an hero. Very good job of it too. Hopefully we won't have to be witnesses for a dispute involving the law or something. Would take too much time...

Weekly scheduale is completely full with practices for a skit I have to be in, PE make up classes at the shoreline community college, and the computer (until now). Hopefully that time that was reserved for the computer is replaced by studying for the FBLA thing. Tomorrow I might get a Wii.

Party. Must have sometime. I don't think my parents want to celebrate my birthday anymore though T_T maybe I can still convince them...

post posting edit: forgot to talk about tai chi class in this... maybe next time ^_^


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