Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ninety Eigth Post

Ok, so a lot of things have happened in the recent past. I will start with... FBLA!!!!!

David did a good job of covering what happened so I'll go over the parts that happened while he was not there. So david was with me for most of the time and talked about most everything I did. He was not there on my quest to obtain the economics book though so I'll tell you how that went.

I left the economics book back at the mall one of the days and did not feel like going back to the mall since I had drank 6 drinkfulls of soda and ate chips with nasty cheese salsa stuff and was almost to throw up. Instead I went back the next day. There were three places I searched for the economics book at. The first was my comrades at the communal lost and found of the mall. When they said that the capitalist scum of JC Penny and Nordstroms may have captured my book for their own lost and found I swore a blood feud against them and all their family members.

Then I searched Bose, who said that my "economics book is in another castle."

I then went to World 2-1 to get my book from Taco Delmar who actually had the book. They stole my scantron and coupon though. On the way back to the hotel I became lost, so I employed the greatest strategy ever devised ever! I went running in a huge square until I found a familiar area and then just went back to the hotel.

I also drew that one toll booth guy and Dillan as a pickle. I'll load the artwork of various people later though (too lazy to use digital camera).

As for school, nothing much has happened yet. We will have a roxxorz game party on Friday and will pwn everyone as Team SDS (pronounced sids like CIDS and it's Steven David Sai). The level of greatness will not be matched ever no matter what.

The best part about everything happening is that we are playing StarCraft again. If you read this Davis, then please join us. We are now at a level where we can consistently destroy noobs with lings no matter what unless Terran. I posted a StarCraft related picture in honor of the great clan Teriyaki.


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