Monday, March 24, 2008

Ninety Fifth Post

It's Caturday!!!!!!!!111
Maybe more pictures of cats later.

Double loaded and low quality, but the good part is that it is existent. You can watch it here or here (youtube still approving video so this link is not yet up).

So I saw another car accident. This one guy tried to turn into an area, but failed when turning too wide. He then stopped and blocked traffic for everyone. The guy he almost hit backed up to try to let the blocking guy through, but then the backing up guy hit some lady, then hit his steering wheel repeatedly in pure fury.

Recently not much has happened. We have a field trip in physics, which is good because it means missing 2 tests. The rest of the week is bad because of a multitude of tests.

Tai Chi finished. Here is what I learned about fighting. You should break your opponents elbows until they bleed to death. Pretty roxxorz.

Wow finally finished after about half an hour. Here is the video created for youtube. Not as epic as that Gears video created earlier by the great clan Teriyaki, but still pretty good.

Teriyaki... Where did it all go? I sort of miss SC. Smash Bros Brawl is good, but it is no substitute.

Before I go... tell me how many leek spins you can get (number can be seen at the bottom of the screen) while listening to European music before going crazy. Here is the link.


Blogger David said...


8:49 PM  

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