Thursday, June 22, 2006

Sixty Fifth Post

I am retireing this from my AIM account. I hope someone else starts using it and continues the legacy:

What is a BLOG? Websters defines it as: "A place on the internet where one records events and feelings of the past."* Davidsters defines it as: "Something to read while you wait for the buddy you are talking to on aim to respond to you." Read mine and comment. Updated sometimes

I think I will keep the superbowl thing though.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Sixty Fourth Post

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Sixty Third Post

So yesterday my mother got into a car accident. What happened was a squirrel got in front of the car in front of her, and that car stopped. My mother then hit the car in front of her. It is sort of ironic that we watched a movie where a squirrel caused an accident in the same way later that day.

Another thing of interest is that I put foam things onto the golf swords and now we can fence at the school of something if someone brings a helmet. snow gloves are also a good idea, but are not needed. I mean, I don't wear snow gloves while doing that.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Sixty Second Post

Huzzah they are done, but wait... they are not safe, I can not use them, and my brother is too afraid to use them. What are they? They are a sort of fencing swords I sort made. I got golf clubs and cut off the club part, which was actually hard to do with a dull bladed hacksaw. I then had golf sticks which double as pool cue things and short rapier-like fencing swords. My parents say that none of my friends can play with them because your parents might sue me if someone is hurt. my brother does not want to spare because he is stupid (he thinks he will get hurt). So now all I have is two broken golf clubs (or for the optimist bad pool cues), cardboard that I turned into effective armour, safety glasses, and a helmet (bicycle). Then my brother does not want to spare, so an hour and a half of work just was wasted and my hands have blisters from the hacksaw and Davis' eagle project.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Sixty First Post

(20:07:55) gamergrl382: wanna game?
(20:07:57) gamergrl382: DOH
(20:08:02) gamergrl382: forgot to change text color
(20:08:03) gamergrl382: again
(20:24:43) Blitzmoose9: idiot

(If you can not read what "gamergrl382" is saying then highlight text. On gaim it was in the orange and white characteristic of David)

Sixtieth Post

(This conversation was finished before I realized steven's font color mistake and that it was him)

(16:39:06) cexychick344: hello?
(16:39:25) Blitzmoose9: hello
(16:39:29) Blitzmoose9: who is this?
(16:44:09) Blitzmoose9: who are you?
(16:44:22) cexychick344: who are you?
(16:44:47) Blitzmoose9: i am blitzmoose
(16:44:53) cexychick344: hehe
(16:44:57) cexychick344: i mean your name silly
(16:45:07) Blitzmoose9: i am sai
(16:45:10) Blitzmoose9: who is this?
(16:45:22) cexychick344: sai, i heard ur hot
(16:45:31) Blitzmoose9: is this david?
(16:45:41) cexychick344: whos david?
(16:46:05) Blitzmoose9: who are you?
(16:46:34) cexychick344: i want to get to know you better
(16:46:47) Blitzmoose9: ok you are blocked

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Fifty-Ninth Post

Zack said something cool/disturbing again:

(16:34:42) Blitzmoose9: well, you should put up the (anti Helm's Deep) away message
(16:34:50) Blitzmoose9: regardless
(16:35:10) Blitzmoose9: it is the progressive and non-fascist pedophile thing to do
(16:35:15) Zack0217: hahahha
(16:35:29) Zack0217: i'd rather be a nonprogressive fascist pedophile

Here is a link only davis, maybe zack, and I will find interesting.

Fifty-Eighth Post

(This can actually happen in the game)

So, Yesterday was Steven's poker party. There was no poker, but it was cool. We played ultimate frisbee, and Steven did something that David will never find out about.

Helm's Deep games are the bad, and we NEED to stop playing them. If you are Aragorn(probably spelled inccorrectly) then the game is even more boring and usually quick (since you die so fast) there are only a few ways to not die as Aragorn.

1. You can blend in with the other zealots and hope the orcs think you are a regular zealot.
2. You can also only fight when your special meter is at 100%, but that would just make the game boring.
3. You could do is run away from melee units so that you do not become surounded, but that means almost no kills.

A cool game I started playing is America's Army. It is VERY similar to counter strike. People on that game are really good, and it takes longer for me to kill someone on that game than it does on CS. The game is supposed to be a recruiting tool for the army, but the ironic thing about it is that terrorists usually win online. I will list some strategies and good rules to follow that I developed while playing for a short time.

1. Do not try to hide in dead bodies, the bodies are dead there for a reason.
2. If you are blinded and deaf from a flash bang grenade go prone, if you are lucky the enemy might think you are dead and walk pass you.
3. Use full auto, then burst, and if you have to use semi auto, I once thought that hitting people with semiauto would be better since it is accurate, but if you do that all you will do is damage health then get killed by full auto fire. If there is no full auto use burst. It is better than semi auto, but does not kill someone as quickly as full auto since it takes multiple shots.
4. Go for the headshot if you are not the terrorists, American weapons are so weak on that game that if one targets the body and the terrorist shoots at you as well, the terrorist will win, but if the American goes for the head with the uber accurate weapon, then the American will probaably win.
5. Don't go into a field or a large place with no cover, all you will do is make a sniper laugh at you.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Fifty-Seventh Post

I am teh 1337 h4kkzzorzzz. I hakkzzorzzzed Microsoft Word. What to do is type =rand(140,1) and then enter. I don't want to ruin what happens with a picture or say what the numbers do. Try experimenting with numbers since it works differently depending on the numbers. You can even put no numbers if you want.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Fifty-Sixth Post

Wikipedia! NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO! I am skrewed! Stupid nation profile thing!

Fifty-Fifth Post

So I was watching this documentary on Napoleon and his battle at Waterloo, and he lost. I felt sad after the show finished since I think Napoleon was really good. So after that I played Age of Empires III as the French, and my random ally was the British (the people that killed Napoleon's army and Napoleon). It was sort of weird and I teched up and had an ultra good economy, and Queen Elizabeth became angry at me for not building military units.