Friday, July 13, 2007

Ninety First Post

Summer break! Sort of not much like summer though since I am still in school... I am taking a programming course and playing tetris, which will probably give me similar stats to these...

My typical day of summer is like this: wake up at some time around 7:00 AM. Eat something and go to the bus station. This is made annoying and dangerous by the dick bird(a crow that attacks and calls 99999 other crows to attack as well for no reason). The ride to the UW, which takes only about 30-45 minutes. Walk to the building that my class is in, and wait 3 hours for class to start. This is the worst part since I don't know anyone. I usually just read the programming book for 3 hours. This is sort of bad too since it becomes boring after a while and then in class we just review what I already know.

I think that some people at the university are trying to use me for some sort of study though since every day someone asks me for directions and after I politely tell them that I don't know where the place they want is, they don't ask anyone else in the room. Someone always comes every morning and asks me, and no one else. Either they are studying me or I am paranoid.

As for the actual class itself... We pretty much have lectures every day except Tuesdays and weekends. The lectures are good, but I don't learn anything since I am ahead of the class due to a lack of knowing people there and reading before class starts. During class, the instructor will ask us what we need to do to make a program that will accomplish some task. In about 15 seconds I will have figured out what to do, and the teacher would start asking people what is needed. I sort of feel bad for him since NO ONE EVER ANSWERS and he seems to be in pain as he waits for the class to say something, and slowly writes out the program himself.

After class what happens is I eat lunch, wait 30 minutes, take the bus home, and if I am lucky I will get to play some online game with people that I know in rl. At around 10:00 PM I will go to bed seeing flying blocks fit into each other, and at around 3:00 AM I will fall asleep. I think I should stop playing tetris...

Nintieth Post

After San Fransisco, it was pretty much studying for the SAT and the history exam. After that it was slacking off and nervously waiting for grades on both SAT and AP exam.

I was able to crack Quinn, and get the whole school to play, which was cool. Unfortunately no one knew I did this. Next time I'll be more pro and attack some file that says I cracked it. I started to become ok at the game, but quit after it would not let me sleep, and I could not read for a while since I would see shapes fitting into the spaces between words. I then became terrible as everyone else improved. Joseph was caught with Quinn by the tech people, and was fined $100 since Quinn supposedly breaks the firmware or something. It makes no sense though since they just delete everything, add new firmware and reinstall the operating system.

I think Ben told me about this a long time ago and it was forgotten, but now it is rediscovered.

Eighty Ninth Post

San Fransisco

Went to San Fransisco! the car ride was ultra long and hot and boringish. I could not use my laptop since the power cord was missing, but this would not have really mattered since back in those days Quinn did not exist. The car ride was so long that I was able to beat my brother's computer at chess on a hard difficulty.

In San Fransisco, we did all a great deal of weird things. We counted the number of gay people there, and on one day saw 57. It was hard at first, but after a while, you start noticing things like pink shirts, standing too close to each other, wearing tight pants, and holding hands. Also, I saw a thrift store called Out of the Closet Thrift Store, and I contemplated buying Zach something from there. Another cool thing we did was going into a submarine, which i might post pictures of later. The San Fransisco China town was all huge and really old, with buildings that looked like they were from the Nationalist China decades. We also saw Alkatraz from sort of far away, and I ran across the Golden Gate Bridge, which I thought would be harder/more impossible to do.

The people in San Fransisco seemed to be friendly, and they actually had a WORKING monorail-like system. The city was a more developed clone of Seattle with nicer people pretty much. I think that if Seattle were warmer, then the people would be nicer and we would get things done more and Seattle would be exactly the same city.