Friday, July 13, 2007

Ninety First Post

Summer break! Sort of not much like summer though since I am still in school... I am taking a programming course and playing tetris, which will probably give me similar stats to these...

My typical day of summer is like this: wake up at some time around 7:00 AM. Eat something and go to the bus station. This is made annoying and dangerous by the dick bird(a crow that attacks and calls 99999 other crows to attack as well for no reason). The ride to the UW, which takes only about 30-45 minutes. Walk to the building that my class is in, and wait 3 hours for class to start. This is the worst part since I don't know anyone. I usually just read the programming book for 3 hours. This is sort of bad too since it becomes boring after a while and then in class we just review what I already know.

I think that some people at the university are trying to use me for some sort of study though since every day someone asks me for directions and after I politely tell them that I don't know where the place they want is, they don't ask anyone else in the room. Someone always comes every morning and asks me, and no one else. Either they are studying me or I am paranoid.

As for the actual class itself... We pretty much have lectures every day except Tuesdays and weekends. The lectures are good, but I don't learn anything since I am ahead of the class due to a lack of knowing people there and reading before class starts. During class, the instructor will ask us what we need to do to make a program that will accomplish some task. In about 15 seconds I will have figured out what to do, and the teacher would start asking people what is needed. I sort of feel bad for him since NO ONE EVER ANSWERS and he seems to be in pain as he waits for the class to say something, and slowly writes out the program himself.

After class what happens is I eat lunch, wait 30 minutes, take the bus home, and if I am lucky I will get to play some online game with people that I know in rl. At around 10:00 PM I will go to bed seeing flying blocks fit into each other, and at around 3:00 AM I will fall asleep. I think I should stop playing tetris...


Blogger pronoob5 said...

if this post had...oh idk....4 less paragraphs i would read it.
(yes i know that only leaves it with the very brief intro)

3:19 PM  
Blogger Jack said...

lol steven, lol.

i like the stats readout...very accurate.

the dick bird sounds a lot like the chickens in OoT.

12:34 PM  
Blogger David said...


3:35 PM  

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