Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ninety Sixth Post



Well said!

Things that happened recently. I have been studying at the library forever this week due to tests and the like. I hope inviting people has helped. It is what will happen from now on probably. Maybe not at the library though.

So far it looks like this might be the first week I don't see a car accident every week since I saw my first. There is still Friday, Saturday, and the rest of today though so I still may see one ^_^

Most important thing happening in my life happening right now... Maybe it is my decision. I have chosen to play as King DeDeDe for my main character. He is not very good at all, but I chose him because he is a giant penguin with a robotic hammer, has this theme song (not really T_T), and a self proclaimed king. I think I will make myself king of something someday.

A final note. I am thinking of changing the name of my blog. Is the name The Liquid Astro Dragon Knights of Final Parallel Reality a better name? Maybe I should just go with I Use the Word OWN3d Too Much since a blog of that name seems not to exist any more.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Ninety Fifth Post

It's Caturday!!!!!!!!111
Maybe more pictures of cats later.

Double loaded and low quality, but the good part is that it is existent. You can watch it here or here (youtube still approving video so this link is not yet up).

So I saw another car accident. This one guy tried to turn into an area, but failed when turning too wide. He then stopped and blocked traffic for everyone. The guy he almost hit backed up to try to let the blocking guy through, but then the backing up guy hit some lady, then hit his steering wheel repeatedly in pure fury.

Recently not much has happened. We have a field trip in physics, which is good because it means missing 2 tests. The rest of the week is bad because of a multitude of tests.

Tai Chi finished. Here is what I learned about fighting. You should break your opponents elbows until they bleed to death. Pretty roxxorz.

Wow finally finished after about half an hour. Here is the video created for youtube. Not as epic as that Gears video created earlier by the great clan Teriyaki, but still pretty good.

Teriyaki... Where did it all go? I sort of miss SC. Smash Bros Brawl is good, but it is no substitute.

Before I go... tell me how many leek spins you can get (number can be seen at the bottom of the screen) while listening to European music before going crazy. Here is the link.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Ninety Fourth Post

Thing of this week happened and are listed from probably least to most interesting to read!

Finally got a Wii. If we decide to have a party I'll bring it, and I will try to invite people over so that playing can happen. Have SSBB and you can play online! Cool!

Tai Chi is finally being talked about! Supposedly our mastery of Tai Chi means that we can be successful in combat, but I would be wary of these claims. At first we learned how to step in different directions VERY slowly. Then we learned about moving your hands around VERY SLOWLY. From seeing the teacher explain what each move does, I would draw these conclusions about Tai Chi.
1. For it to work you would have to be 99999 times as fast as your opponent
2. People who do Tai Chi are good and hitting people is bad, so people who do Tai Chi don't hit or attack or anything
3. Combat in Tai chi is all about breaking your opponent's elbows like 40 times in a full set of actions so that they can not fight back and they eventually bleed to death

Car crashes! A large amount of crashes happened recently. First some lady backed into a parked car somehow and ruined it. Then Amanual crashed into someone. It was epic the way he did so. He went too fast and then braked hard and nearly hit the car in front waiting for the stop light. Then the car pulled up because Amanual was too close to about 2 meters away and he pulled up for no reason at maybe 15 mph and hit the car.

Maybe more cool things will happen this weak, but probably not as I will be playing Brawl for my whole life from now on. I'll post if they cool things do happen. Until then, here is a reward for reading all of this. It's a picture of Kirby ^_^

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Ninety third Post

(pic related to my laptop and nothing else involving me)

So, a few things happened since last post, but I can't remember them so I will
post whatever is left.

Start off with the most critical, and the reason why I am currently posting. My computer's hard drive sploded so now I have a lot of free time and can post. No entertainment though... It was a good thing I listened to those video announcements and backed up my hard drive... Was a joke, that never happened, so now I don't have anything left anymore... I would take a screenshot of what happens because it is sort of cool, but I can't screenshot the thing since it is the very dead. Makes clicking noises when on, a bad sign meaning the HD must be replaced. I think I won't get it fixed though because now I have WAY more time.

Some other things that happened was that I got a PS2 officially making me BA. Or maybe just A. I don't have any games for it, but I will soon. Or I will sell the thing maybe. Need to find good games and should not sell according to people, but perhaps they are noobs (as those who say it's good do not play SC). I also got a Dreamcast. I should talk to Wilfred and Joey about it. Too bad Wilfred's blog is gone or I could tell him. Need to do something about the link. Need to play that new Legend of Zelda game...

Another thing that happened was that we saw car crash. some lady backed up into a parked car because they were an hero. Very good job of it too. Hopefully we won't have to be witnesses for a dispute involving the law or something. Would take too much time...

Weekly scheduale is completely full with practices for a skit I have to be in, PE make up classes at the shoreline community college, and the computer (until now). Hopefully that time that was reserved for the computer is replaced by studying for the FBLA thing. Tomorrow I might get a Wii.

Party. Must have sometime. I don't think my parents want to celebrate my birthday anymore though T_T maybe I can still convince them...

post posting edit: forgot to talk about tai chi class in this... maybe next time ^_^