Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Twenty-Third Post

Nothing much happening yet. I am in Bouruououmand's class instead of Weiss', which is bad since everyone else is in Weiss' class. At my brother's school they have turned into fascists. There was a food fight and out of paranoia they have done a large amount of things to counter future food fights. Some examples of what they have done is having teachers watch all groups of students in cafeteria, not letting people back in the cafeteria, interrogating people, and using kids as spies in order to find out before hand(which will not work since seventh and eighth graders are too smart).

Also Amanuel wanted to play starcraft against me and use a strategy that he thought could make him win. So I exited Rome Total War (which takes a long time to do), and he said that he could not play because he had homework. I then was like, "Bloody Amanuel! This confirms my beliefs about your intelligence!" I should feel sorry for him instead of angry because some people were just born that way.

Winter-Een-Mas is over, and the world shall mourne its going away. Go to these sites for cool games so that you too may have the happiness and joy videogames bring little children.



(once here click on the second post's link)

Monday, January 23, 2006

Twenty-Second Post

The Sonics P!WNED with a capital 0 (number not letter)! and the Seahawks also did well. Also, I P!WNED my way up to 9 wins and 0 losses on SOT)Blitzmoose, not that wins matter. This week is the week from Satan's residence with a great deal of finals. It will be bad probably, but I shall come out victorious. Another event is Davis becoming strong(sarcasm). Amanuel destroyed him in an arm wrestle contest during math class. Amanuel is trying to be able to destroy David at StarCraft, but he will probably be defeated by dark templar. On the off chance that David loses, Chuck Norris will probably punish the incompetence with 9 roundhouse kicks to the head. Even though 1 would have sufficed Chuck Norris would have, in this hypothetical situation of David osing, kicked him extra because he deserves extra punishment. I'll stop talking now and try to post when something interesting happens next time.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Twenty-First Post

Here it is:


I'm putting that in my blog.


I'm putting that in my blog.

Yi-isms (Ha! Isms has more letters than his name)

What is pwned?

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Twentieth Post

Watch this and wish you had killed yourself first...

Nineteenth Post

AIM is the devil!

It gives you spyware! I had my hard drive reformatted and then re-downloaded AIM. I then received spyware from it. When downloading AIM it gives you 2 hidden spyware folders and 2 regular ones. After it is deleted the spyware will come back next time AIM is opened. I first uninstalled AIM then used search to find the spyware. Enable the searching of hidden folders and search for the name "viewpoint" Kill viewpoint after that by deleting it and emptying your recycling bin. This worked for me. To replace AIM I got Gaim, which is a gai but spyware free version of AIM. Go here to read about AIM and spyware.

Also Keir has arrived from Florida to America(please do not post about how Florida is part of America). Unfortunately I was not able to destroy him in melee enough yesterday and we went home at 10:30 (10:00 for me), but it was all good in the end though.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Eighteenth Post

History Day all night

History Day makes me tired.
like a guy who drank too much,
because he's been fired.
I feel like a bloody Dutch.

DNA(for witt's class) model is awful.
especially when your partner is as dumb,
as a Belgian waffle.
When he grows up he will be a bum.

Ok there is my attempt at poetry. You should post or make a poem about something. Join me in my crusade against fascist(wtf is that site!?!?!? seriously!?!??!!?!?) teachers and events such as these because we are the dream! or something similar to that...

Friday, January 06, 2006

Seventeenth Post

Waste your life and read what I say when I am tired! Not as long as David's, but still sort of long.

bananaoracle89: are you playing?
Blitzmoose9: no
Blitzmoose9: i have 2 go 2 bed
Blitzmoose9: goodnight
bananaoracle89: ah good for you
bananaoracle89: I suppose
bananaoracle89: good night
Blitzmoose9: lol
Blitzmoose9: arg
Blitzmoose9: 8:30!
Blitzmoose9: arg!
Blitzmoose9: i will be staring at the ceiling for like 4 hours!
Blitzmoose9: again!
bananaoracle89: then don't go
Blitzmoose9: i have to though
Blitzmoose9: garg!
Blitzmoose9: otherwise i must work on the DNA model and that will be undesireable
bananaoracle89: hm
bananaoracle89: indeed
Blitzmoose9: yep
Blitzmoose9: you have to do one?
bananaoracle89: I did it today
bananaoracle89: all in class
bananaoracle89: hehe
Blitzmoose9: grr
Blitzmoose9: one day you will regret this or something
Blitzmoose9: i need to update blog
Blitzmoose9: what to write
Blitzmoose9: arg
Blitzmoose9: joumonville is going to 2.5
bananaoracle89: indeed
Blitzmoose9: math for people that do not know math
Blitzmoose9: how can people be THAT stupid!
bananaoracle89: I know not
bananaoracle89: I truly do not know
Blitzmoose9: we must get rid of them
Blitzmoose9: or better yet make them our slaves
Blitzmoose9: yes
Blitzmoose9: and farm us food
Blitzmoose9: i would have so much wheat that i could make a tank
Blitzmoose9: i meant minerals and gas
bananaoracle89: mm
Blitzmoose9: i would have 3 seige tanks after a few minutes
Blitzmoose9: and they would be SCV's
Blitzmoose9: i would be a battlecruiser probably
Blitzmoose9: it would be like "bang bang" and the zerglings would die
Blitzmoose9: but alas i can not play starcraft for my parents want me to do the DNA model
bananaoracle89: no it would be like
bananaoracle89: "kaPew... kaPew"
Blitzmoose9: ya that is true
bananaoracle89: "Battlecruiser operational
bananaoracle89: "
Blitzmoose9: indeed
bananaoracle89: "Let's make it happen"
bananaoracle89: "Take it slow."
bananaoracle89: "Shields up, weapons online."
Blitzmoose9: we are way behind schedual
bananaoracle89: "Good day, commander"
bananaoracle89: "I have to go...number 1"
Blitzmoose9: number 1...
Blitzmoose9: he means the commander
Blitzmoose9: right?
bananaoracle89: I'm not sure
bananaoracle89: I rather thought that he meant he has to urinate
Blitzmoose9: ah
Blitzmoose9: we should mail starcraft about that
Blitzmoose9: or something
bananaoracle89: indeed
bananaoracle89: and ask the question that has plagued us for all time
bananaoracle89: hey accept this file
Blitzmoose9: ok
bananaoracle89 wants to send file C:\Documents and Settings\abc\My Documents\download\blitzmoose9\Link meets the Prince of Darkness.JPG.
Blitzmoose9: ok
Blitzmoose9: it is coming
Blitzmoose9 received C:\Documents and Settings\abc\My Documents\download\blitzmoose9\Link meets the Prince of Darkness.JPG.
Blitzmoose9: almost... done
bananaoracle89: what do you think?
Blitzmoose9: i need to see it before i may form an opinion
bananaoracle89: indeed that is true
Blitzmoose9: did you draw it?
bananaoracle89: yes
Blitzmoose9: that is cool
Blitzmoose9: it makes me feel a great deal of joy
bananaoracle89: It needs to be changed though
bananaoracle89: I'm not sure if I should move the horns
Blitzmoose9: how?
Blitzmoose9: the horns...
bananaoracle89: because they're supposed to be coming out of his snout
bananaoracle89: also some other minor things
bananaoracle89: like erasing the chain mail
bananaoracle89: it's dumb
bananaoracle89: why would Ganon wear chain mail?
Blitzmoose9: ya
Blitzmoose9: that is true
Blitzmoose9: the horns should probably be removed
Blitzmoose9: to make the rest of him porportionate
bananaoracle89: proportionate? how so?
Blitzmoose9: and he should be coming out of a pit of fire or something so that it makes sense without the bottom parts suh as the legs
Blitzmoose9: makes his head look too long
Blitzmoose9: the horns do
Blitzmoose9: and he should only have the triforce pieces of wisdom and power
Blitzmoose9: link still has the courage one
Blitzmoose9: gannon has all of them on his arm though
Blitzmoose9: keep link the way he is though
Blitzmoose9: maybe make his sword a bit longer
Blitzmoose9: but it is a good size
Blitzmoose9: hello?
bananaoracle89: GANNON-BANNED!
Blitzmoose9: ?
bananaoracle89: I am sorry, Sai, but you have been Gannon-banned
Blitzmoose9: what?
Blitzmoose9: wtr?
bananaoracle89: Blitzmoose9 (8:57:08 PM): gannon has all of them on his arm though
Blitzmoose9: f
Blitzmoose9: ah
Blitzmoose9: ic
bananaoracle89: Ganon has only one 'n'
Blitzmoose9: i am sorry
bananaoracle89: there is a funny website about gannon-banning
Blitzmoose9: 'n'
Blitzmoose9: 'n'
Blitzmoose9: 'n'
Blitzmoose9: n'n
Blitzmoose9: 'n'
Blitzmoose9: na noooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
bananaoracle89: if my internet starts to work again I will give you a link
Blitzmoose9: ok
Blitzmoose9: sounds good
bananaoracle89: basically, whenever you get something wrong about the Legend of Zelda, you get Gannon-banned
bananaoracle89: also
bananaoracle89: not to be nitpicky
bananaoracle89: but Link doesn't necessarily have the Triforce of COurage
Blitzmoose9: ya
Blitzmoose9: true
Blitzmoose9: 64
Blitzmoose9: he does
bananaoracle89: and the whole quest was to get the pieces of the Triforce of Wisdom because Zelda shattered them
Blitzmoose9: i was thinking of that one
Blitzmoose9: ya
bananaoracle89: no this is from the Legend of Zelda
Blitzmoose9: ah
bananaoracle89: this picture is based off of it
Blitzmoose9: it all makes sense now!
Blitzmoose9: ok
bananaoracle89: that is why some things are strange looking
Blitzmoose9: i see it all
Blitzmoose9: ya
bananaoracle89: indeed you understand
Blitzmoose9: the shortish sword
bananaoracle89: yes! I am glad you understand
Blitzmoose9: it is from the first!
bananaoracle89: and that Triforce on his arm is just a tattoo, by the way
Blitzmoose9: i have that one
Blitzmoose9: it is the best!
bananaoracle89: perhaps
Blitzmoose9: ya
bananaoracle89: http://www.gannon-banned.com/gbindex.htm
Blitzmoose9: gannon
bananaoracle89: !!!!
Blitzmoose9: lol
bananaoracle89: I hope you are referring to the screen from the Legend of Zelda
Blitzmoose9: gannon-banned!
Blitzmoose9: yep i am
Blitzmoose9: i use that spelling for him
Blitzmoose9: since i use the first zelda the most
bananaoracle89: oh
bananaoracle89: well...I suppose you can get away with that
Blitzmoose9: for 2 what do you make plural?
Blitzmoose9: wait ic
Blitzmoose9: why would someone say the adventures of link
Blitzmoose9: unless they were reffering to all of the games or something
bananaoracle89: because PEOPLE ARE IDIOTS
bananaoracle89: *eyes get really wide*
Blitzmoose9: wa ha ha
Blitzmoose9: that is a good site
Blitzmoose9: lol
bananaoracle89: yes
Blitzmoose9: people ARE idiots!
bananaoracle89: sometime we must discuss the chronological order of the games
Blitzmoose9: yes
Blitzmoose9: i like how people call majora's mask zelda 2
bananaoracle89: but I must work on my history day
bananaoracle89: yes
Blitzmoose9: ok
Blitzmoose9: and i must sleep
bananaoracle89: but I see it as #2 in chronological order
Blitzmoose9: anti-shalom (goodbye) and goodnight
bananaoracle89: indeed goddnight
bananaoracle89: oops
bananaoracle89: you know what I mean

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Sixteenth Post

(note the non-traditional placing of the picture)

Here is a poll I am doing:

would you:

A. Pwn Amanuel with Zerg and if so how?
B. Pwn Amanuel with Protoss and if so how?
C. Pwn Amanuel with Terran and if so how?
D. Pwn Amanuel with Random and if so how?
E. Lose to Amanuel because you are pathetic and do not deserve the air you breathe.

(this is Amanuel)

Answer now!

BTW yesterday Taylor Hartman made a poll that went like this:

would you like to:

A. Recieve a picture of Taylor Hartman for 50 cents?
B. Or recieve a kiss from Taylor Hartman?

I promptly answered:

I want the 50 cents.

Also today is Louis Braille's (the guy who made the Braille language. I found out using a google search and it said that) birthday

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Fifteenth Post

Now I can say I update daily since 1/2/2006! I am so cool. Today was sort of slow though. I was tired the whole day, which is weird since I slept more yesteray than the day before and I did not feel as tired yesteday. My tiredness is probably why the day was so slow. I am thinking about changing the blog name. The current name, The Liquid Knights, kind of sounds a weird band name or something. I had this good name, but forgot it. If it changes then that probably means that I remembered. Also, China is taking over the world. That is all.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Fourteenth Post

(if the picture is to small click on it a few times or something)

Break was good. I became sick and I still am to this day. I finished the Double Helix, which I do not recommend reading, and all my other homework. History Day was bad. It took all day. Now thaat I have killed it I may play starcraft or Age of Empires III more. During the break my aunt and uncle stayed at the house. My uncle, with his MP3 player, said to my brother, "A CD player. How quaint." while my brother was listening to Harry Potter 5 or something using a CD. Also it has been discovered during math class that Sam Stueby is a Nazi or something. Zack and Davis were angered by this and swore a blood oath that they would fight a crusade against her and fascism someday and bring freedom back to some place.